D&RGW K-36 - #484

Circa the "Transition Era" - Late 1930's - Early 1940's

- Updated 2-2-12 -

Here is another one of the '36's imported back in 1995. This one is done up in the 1930's "Green Jacketing" paint scheme, and has the great looking "Tri-Color" Herald on the tender! (Sorry the photo's not as good as it could be... It was shot back in 1995 and is not of the current thinking "hi-tech" stuff we're capable of doing now...)

This model was one of a grand total of 15 pieces of the #484 circa the 1930's which we brought in in 1995. So you're not likely to find one lurking around anywhere very soon.

Ten K-36's were built by Baldwin Locomotive Works back in 1925 and weighed in at a measly 187,100 pounds! The prototypes were the second largest locomotives to ply the rails of "The Narrow Gauge", with a tractive effort of some 36,200 pounds. They could be found working all over the line and were much liked by the men who crewed on them.

Surprisingly, only one was scrapped, the #485, and that was in 1955 after falling into a turntable pit. Many of the others are still in operation today and can be seen throughout the summer months on both the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Durango & Silverton.

If you've never had the opportunity to see, feel and hear one of these great locomotives in action, you owe it to yourself to set aside the time to do it. It will be an experience you'll recall for a lifetime! We guaranty it! Click on either of the highlighted links above to go to the respective sites of these two outfits.

Like the '37's, the '36's were used extensively wherever the track could support their enormous weight, and though limited by their 44" drivers, they could occasionally be seen running along in the high-30 mph range. They were also used in both Freight and Passenger Service.

These models have long been "sold out" here at P-B-L. Occasionally one might be found on the secondary market, and since we take trades, it never hurts to give us a call if you're in the market. Shucks, There's no tellin' what we might have from time to time. . .

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