~ D&RGW Jordan Spreader "OU" c. 1940's ~

Here's a shot of the "OU" circa the forties with her "wings spread". It kinda gives you some idea as to the complexity of the real thing, doesn't it?

This is one of the pilot models we received, prior to the arrival of the production models in February 2006. Few visible changes were required so aside from the missing Kadee® Couplers, you might as well be looking at one of the production models.

Here's another shot of our '40's version of "OU". What a piece of work this thing is, eh?

"Spreaders", as they were called were owned by just about every railroad in the country. They saw service in the spring and summer, manicuring roadbeds and removing brush; and in the wintertime when trains ran regularly, they were usually sufficient to keep the lines open. Much cheaper to operate than the "big gun" Rotary Trains. . .

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