~ Latest Update Friday, October 28, 2022 ~
~ The D&RGW Long Caboose ~
Page Two

   Not only does this model have a complete interior, with all the closets and "bunks" of the prototype, but you can even "position" the bunks to suit your whims! The "Water Cooler" and even the "Kitchen Sink" are there for all to see! After all, this was a railroad mans "home away from home", and more often than not, a less stressful one at that!

   With Careful Study of the Assembly Procedures outlined in the comprehensive instructions included, and a little Extra Care in assembly, you, like others before you, can end up with a model of unbelievable detail and accuracy that would be a shoe-in to win any Model Contest! ( Yes, we even show you how to build the model in such a way as make the sides and roof removable! )

   All parts of this model kit, save for the hand grabs, brake rods and piping, and wheelsets are injection moulded in high impact styrene plastic. Decals and Genuine Kadee ® Couplers are included, of course, along with comprehensive instructions and "hints" to ensure your model will end up like the one shown here...

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